Naomi Bulger: messages in bottles

A year and a week ago, this little novel about writing letters and owning your stories and recognising a touch of magic came out.
_I wasn't prepared, there was no great fanfare. I was too busy getting married and changing jobs and moving interstate. But I am still proud of my strange little story. It is quirky and multi-layered, and I still feel a deep affection for the curmudgeonly old man, the neurotic young woman, the pink tracksuit villain and the ugly philosopher who populate its pages.

One of the nicest and least expected outcomes of this book being published has been the international community of letter-writing friends that has opened up for me. Early on in the process, I promised to write a personal letter of thanks to anyone who bought a copy of Airmail (I still do).

People would email me their addresses and I'd send them off little thank-you notes and letters. Some of them would write back, offering me snippets into their worlds from far away. Over time, the word spread and people began to know me as someone who sends old-fashioned mail. People asked me to be their pen pals. I can't tell you how precious this is.

So, to everyone who has bought a copy of Airmail, written me a letter, read this blog, or supported my writing in so many other ways, thank you. Truly!

I always thought that having your fiction published would be the ultimate, but it wasn't. It's the way we reach each other, through a mutual love of storytelling and the written word, that means the most. It's about you.

__"Naomi Bulger's novella Airmail is a postmodern take on the connections between people, and the effects people can have on us... Airmail is a philosophical cupcake; perfect to enjoy in one go with a cup of tea on a rainy afternoon. This is a book that will leave its footprints in your mind for days."
--Spitpress magazine (Issue 8) >>

"Part insider’s tour of downtown New York, part insider’s tour of a delusional brainAirmail, the debut novella by Enmore author Naomi Bulger, is 'as illuminating and entertaining as a well-wrought parable,' according to Driftwood Manuscripts. I call it strange. And beautiful. Rollicking entertainment for the thinking reader."
--Inner West Live >>

(ps. Need more to read? I'm also on English Muse today)

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04/24/2012 20:06

Congratulations my dear friend! What an achievement your book was. What a lovely story. What imagination. It is significant because it is your first and you'll always remember it. Interesting to hear your reflections on what having a published work was like... connection, yes. I think the book may have been how we reconnected too. For that I am grateful. x

Naomi Bulger
04/24/2012 20:22

Then I have yet another reason to be so very grateful for Airmail's past year. I had no idea that writing a story about connections would actually build connections for me. Fiction becoming fact.

04/24/2012 22:53

Reality imitating art?

Naomi Bulger
04/24/2012 22:57

Exactly! Is that what they call simulacrum?

04/25/2012 07:03

Never heard of that word - now you've made me look up a dictionary! Hmph!

04/25/2012 01:10

I just love that you have a book out! Why haven't I read it yet? Where can I get myself a copy? It would be so fun to do a giveaway of some sort on my bloggy and talk you up a little bit! If you're ever interested, I'm just a tweet or e-mail away! :)

PS: but seriously, I want your book. I keep meaning to get it & haven't yet! I refuse to not read it!

Naomi Bulger
04/25/2012 17:44

That would be such fun Melissa - I'll email you! If you look under "New Book" on my website (or actually any page other than the blog), you'll see a list of stockists. x

04/25/2012 03:16

Just bought your novella. Consider me your newest fan=)

Naomi Bulger
04/25/2012 17:44

That's so nice of you Brenda. I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to email me an address if you'd like a letter :-)

04/25/2012 09:57

Beautiful! My copy is still being passed around, I believe ;)

Naomi Bulger
04/25/2012 17:45

Love it!


How have I never seen the trailer for your novella?? So cute.

I'm also horrified that I've never sent you mail. We're so changing that.

Naomi Bulger
04/30/2012 21:54

Oh I look forward to that. And I promise to write back!


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    :: author & journalist ::

    Oh good you're here

    _I have so much to share! This blog is my well-worn scrapbook, bulging with ticket stubs from far-off places, photographs of the lovely and the absurd, letters from strangers, gifts in the mail, fables and dreams, cupcake-addictions, sweet tunes, and treasures uncovered.

    If all this leaves you wanting more, take a look at my novella Airmail.

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    By Pen + By Post
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    Discovery + Whimsy
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    All photographs used on this website are mine, unless otherwise stated. If you wish to use photos I've taken, please do so. I only ask that you credit me and link back to this website.


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